What is My Body Trying to Tell Me?

When you meet a predatory psychopath, you get a feeling that something is wrong. This is based on physiological, psychological, and spiritual mechanisms that you, just like other lifeforms on this planet offer us inherent danger-sensing precognitive awareness.


We know a lot about the body and how it works, but we are just starting to understand that the body’s systems have the awareness that extends beyond the five senses we’ve come to know and trust within the boundaries of applied science.

If you are potentially in a dangerous, exploitative, or unhealthy situation, your body starts communicating with your mind using any methods available to get your attention and warn you that something is amiss.

We can measure the electrical field of the brain a few inches outside of the head but the heart emits a field that can be measured in feet from its physical location and can stretch even further under certain circumstances.

While the brain can have an awareness of something unexpected about to take place about 3 seconds prior to the occurrence, the heart senses the unknown headed this way a full 7 seconds in advance. Imagine if you listened to your body so well as to receive advance notification from your heart, instead of just your brain.

There is that thing we call “gut instinct” which causes you to respond to a situation or circumstance with an initial affirmative statement. Like when someone asks you to go to the mall and you blurt out a solid, “No,” followed by some other statement to soften the blow, such as, “I just don’t feel like it,” or, “This is not a good time for me,” or some other soothing phrase. But you know, that “no” just came out on its own. As if you didn’t have any control over it. This was your instinctive reaction. For whatever reason, your body knew this trip to the mall was not in your best interests.

But your mind is usually not in harmony with the rest of your body, so it can easily be negotiated with and coerced into just about anything by anyone, let alone a predatory psychopath waiting to take advantage of your otherwise cautious sensibilities.

Start giving your body more credit for looking out for your best interests at paying attention to those instinctive reactions, when your stomach feels uneasy,

If your eyes start twitching, it’s time to start looking around for clues. Something is up that your body is aware of that you are not paying attention to. It is not necessarily something bad. There could be an opportunity that would otherwise pass you by, but the twitching eye(s) is a clear indicator that you need to start paying attention and gathering information because there is something that you should be aware of that you are not seeing clearly.

A sudden energy drain, especially when you leave the presence of a particular person is generally a good indication that this person is not a good person to spend much time with. Toxic people have this effect on people, so much so, that they are referred to as energy vampires. Your body is telling you to steer clear of this person.

If you are normally in a state of peaceful calmness, and suddenly find yourself feeling tense, anxious, shortness of breath, or experiencing a state of panic, then ask yourself “What’s going on?” If you feel that way when someone walks into the room, invites you to a party, calls you on the phone, or compliments you, this is your spider senses (yes, this is a Spider-man reference) warning you. Pay attention, gather information, and make wise decisions, even if it feels selfish.

When you start listening to your body, it helps you to establish boundaries that are necessary for your safekeeping and avoidance of circumstances and things that do not serve you.

If you continue to ignore your body’s warnings and continue to put yourself through undeserved stress and abuse, your body will turn up the desperate attention-getting communication, and you will see yourself struggling with increased health issues. You will find yourself more susceptible to accidents, sickness, chronic pain, and disease.

Refusing to take a firmer grip on the reins of your life and allowing yourself to be placed in these precarious positions long-term without listening to your body’s signals, your body will resign itself to a state of no longer trying to save or protect you, which will cause you will age prematurely as it continues to deteriorate, leading to ceasing to function at all.

This is why it is so important to start paying attention and listening to your body’s intrinsic warning systems. Not just for protection from predatory psychopaths, but anything that you may face in life that might not be good for you.

Take control of your life by becoming one with your body, and you will find yourself as the creator of your own good luck as you easily avoid the unpleasantries of life.