What if the Psychopath is Pretending to be Me on Facebook?

As psychopaths continue to target their victims, it is not uncommon for them to turn to the Internet, specifically the World Wide Web, to carry out their ongoing character assassination in a psychopathic manner.

Regarding the social media platform Facebook, you have asked, “What steps can I take if someone has committed identity theft by creating a fraudulent Facebook account pretending to be me?”

Facebook can be easily manipulated as a tool for spreading hate campaigns disguised as someone else, whether it’s impersonating an individual, a business, or even a celebrity. Thankfully, Facebook acknowledges this issue and has implemented a reporting system for dealing with impostors.

Here are the steps you can follow to report the fraudulent account:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Access your Facebook page and navigate to the profile of the person who has stolen your identity.
  3. Click the down arrow located to the right of the “Message” button and choose “Report/Block” from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the resulting popup window, select “Report this Timeline” by clicking the radio button next to it.
  5. Click the “Continue” button to view a list of explanation options.
  6. Scroll down to the third option, which states, “This timeline is pretending to be someone else.” Check the box next to the word “Me” by clicking on it.
  7. Review the remaining options to determine if any apply to your situation, and select the relevant ones.
  8. Click the “Continue” button to proceed to a blank text pane. Use this space to provide any information you have regarding identity theft and the suspected perpetrator. Include details on how the incident has affected you or your reputation.
  9. Consider visiting the Facebook Identity Theft Protection Guide section for additional guidance.

In addition to reporting identity theft on Facebook, you can also take the following steps:

  • If someone is using your email address to send spam to Facebook friends and contacts in your address book, forward the address to spam@uce.gov. This is the official email address of the Federal Trade Commission for reporting all types of identity theft, including Facebook identity theft.
  • Alternatively, you can send an email to “login@facebook.com.” Briefly explain that a fake profile has been created in your name and provide your contact information. A member of the Facebook support team may reach out to you for further investigation.

By following these steps, you can take action against the fraudulent Facebook account and work towards resolving the identity theft issue.