What if My Mom is a Psychopath?

You might ask, “What if my mom is a psychopath?” It is difficult to describe psychopathic mothers, in general, because they express their psychopathy in so many varied ways. To be certain, by the time the child of a psychopathic mother is an older adult (sometimes as late as in their thirties or forties), they can come close to a clinical diagnosis.


The child of the mother who is a psychopath may not know for a very long time that they are only an easily managed pawn in the maternal psychopath’s scheme of life. If they are not well exposed to what a normal childhood or mother-offspring relationship looks like, they may only know what they know, and no one could blame them for that.

Psychopathic mothers use their sons and daughters to influence their social circles, and when they go to those dark places, they can take the children with them to even get them to do some of the dirty work, who could blame an innocent child?

Like narcissistic mothers, a psychopathic mom is self-centered and lacks empathy, consideration, or feelings for the plight of others. The psychopathic mom, on the other hand, is more dangerous. While the narcissistic mother might hurt others’ feelings, it is done solely out of selfish ignorance. The psychopathic mother maliciously seeks to cause suffering and even enjoys the suffering of others (though they would never admit to such a thing).

They are likely to conduct their affairs in ways and means which would be considered counter-intuitive to neurotypicals (normal people), and they often find themselves in embarrassing, compromising, offensive, or illegal situations. Thank God those psychopathic moms have kids to blame and/or take the rap, at least while they are minors.

Psycho-moms are more likely to be less violent than psychopathic men, and make up the difference in enhanced sexuality, but are nonetheless just as cunning and manipulative in their exploitation of others, including their children.

In society, and around the schoolhouse, psychopath moms are perceived as being exemplary role models for maternal parents, but this is all for the show, as their offspring will attest because while the community would assume that these children are being well cared for at home, this is just not the case. The publicly doting mother is ignoring her children while at home if she is not actively using them to manipulate someone or even neglecting or abusing them in private.

Exerting such a high level of psychopathic control over a young human being stunts normal personal growth and is very traumatizing for the youngster, especially as they grow into adulthood and start to see that their parent-child relationship would never be considered “normal” in society. This process of awakening is painful for the child of a psychopathic parent.

A psychopathic mother who was in the middle of a divorce asked her 30-year-old son to kill the husband she was divorcing and to make it look like an accident. The son declined and said, “I love you, Mom, you know I would do this for you, but I just can’t because I am married and have two children of my own, I just couldn’t do that and run the risk of spending that much time away from them.”

It is this kind of confusion that is stressful on the lives of adult children of psychopaths who are trying to carve out a life of their own in a normal society and note that the children of psychopaths are generally not psychopathic themselves, as they are not allowed to develop their inherited psychopathic tendencies as they are only allowed to faithfully serve the psychopathic parent, and this is all that the child victims know (unless they are separated and uninfluenced by the psychopathic parent, then their psychopathic tendencies may be allowed to flourish).

Children need to be upheld, supported, encouraged and loved to develop and grow into productive adults. This is a much more difficult proposition for a youngster who was raised in a no-holds-barred matriarchal home, where the child’s only option is to serve the psychopathic mother faithfully or suffer the consequence.

As they continue to make their way in this life, exposure to more normal family life can be highly beneficial in expanding their outlook on the world and distancing from the psychopathic parent, or even curtailing the relationship altogether, might be a necessary option to allow more uninhibited personal growth and healing from a life of living in the shadow of the psychopathic matriarch.