What Does a Psychopath Look For?

The psychopath as a predator is always scouting his or her horizon for prey. In their search for potential victims, they do seem to be attracted to particular traits which attract them, like sharks are attracted to blood in the water. So, what does a psychopath look for?

Doers. Men and Women of Action

Predatory psychopaths are searching for potential victims who are men and women who accomplish much in their life but do so basically and humbly. They do not seek out the spotlight or praise for their accomplishments or good deeds yet are proactive and more diligently committed to causes and goals.

Righteous but non-judgmental

Law-abiding citizens, who hold themselves to a high level of moral ethics or social standards, yet feel sorry for the underdog, who may not have the same skills due to receiving a lesser lot in life. They might try to justify someone’s actions that may seem inappropriate, suggesting that they are a victim of being underprivileged or rejected by society.

Take responsibility

Individuals who take responsibility for their own actions, and possibly even the actions of others. This is a prominent healthy view of an individual who realizes that they can only control what they can control in their own lives, therefore, taking responsibility for the things that they cannot control, gives them an edge over others, as they are more in control because they take more control by accepting responsibility (because you cannot control others). A perfect target for a psychopath.

The Martyr

This person is always willing to take a bullet for someone else in an effort to support the big picture. “I will take the blame if it keeps us moving forward.” If someone blames me for something, so be it, just so long as we keep making progress. If accused of a misstep – even if they don’t remember doing it – they accept responsibility and try to make certain they are not accused of such a thing in the future.

Silent Survivors

When a victim has suffered any kind of loss, how do they respond to it? Do they run to the courts or the media, or are they more introspective? The silent survivors spend quiet time with themselves to grieve and heal as they cope and regain their balance to head towards a healthy lifestyle once again.

They are less likely to be labeled as “victims” because they do not present themselves as such. They may spend time reflecting on their lives in private, questioning how it ever came to this and preparing for a life that does not attract a similar set of circumstances.

In these times, they may be considered reclusive; a perfect platform for the psychopath to key in on, and excellent fodder for a smear campaign accusing you or not being in control of your mental faculties.

People Pleasers

“People pleasers” sounds condescending, but they actually represent some of the best human qualities. They are tolerant of others, gentle, kind, and compassionate. They are willing to put their own wants, needs, and desires on the back burner in an attempt to serve or benefit someone else. They are the first to offer a compromise for the greater good, the perfect support system for the preying psychopath.


The person who says, “I’m sorry,” even when they didn’t do anything will pique the interest of the preying psychopath. When good people are willing to fall on their swords for the greater good, they are prime targets for manipulation as the con artist uses their compassionate/selfless nature against them.


Either in problem-solving skills and friends (with resources) or other immaterial or material resources, cars, boats, real estate, cash reserves, cash flow, a job, a supportive spouse, etc…

Soul-mate Seekers

Discovering someone in search of their soul-mate is prime real estate for the psychopath to set up shop because they can easily appear to be your dream come true, everything you could have possibly imagined as your perfect partner for life, just so they can get you to lower your defenses and clean you out. All the while keeping their awareness focused on the next man or woman whom they can exploit. And when they’re done with you, they simply leave you twisted and broken without a thought or a word.

Basically, the kindest most benevolent people, those to whom we think of as virtuous, are potentially victim fodder for the predatory psychopath on the prowl.