Top 7 Types of Psychopaths

Keep in mind that when trying to categorize or generalize any given psychopath, remember that psychopathy is a spectrum, and no two psychopaths are exactly the same. Even though we commonly refer to these as the top 7 types of psychopaths, it only means these are the most popular.

Psychopaths who are serial killers are not on this list because while they are the most infamous, they are not the most common. It is not unusual for a psychopath to be a combination of one or more types of psychopaths.

Here are the top 7 types of psychopaths.


Top 7 Types of Psychopaths

Gung Ho Psychopath

Bam! This guy is the leader of all leaders, and makes a brilliant drill sergeant both inspiring and terrifying his troops, whether he be in the military or in the ranks of corporate business. He or she sees those in his charge as his minions who exist only to serve and die for the cause (whatever that may be). He or she bullies or manipulates anyone within firing range. You may be worthless and weak, but it’ll take you to get ‘er done. The question is, “Have you got the balls?” Well, do you?

The most advanced Gung Ho Psychopaths are much more subtle and subdued in their fearful dominance, leading with brilliant charisma in a cavalier never-say-die style as others follow and gladly serve in the front lines, come what may. They are gentle lions who mastered their skills of social dominance, but one wrong move, and you may be his or her next meal.

Ivory Tower Psychopath

The Ivory Tower Psychopath revels in positions of authority that remove him or herself from ordinary people. They falsify their backgrounds and credentials to weasel their way into positions of authority in benevolent organizations, non-profits, charities, and religious orders. They gravitate towards leadership positions in politics, legal, or healthcare venues so as to be seen and revered as the expert who can bestow their wisdom to the little people. And to them, we are all little people.

They research and mimic their roles to wield their power over others, and the unsuspecting give them the benefit of the doubt due to their lofty roles in the leadership ranks. They use their acting skills to play their parts to near perfection. We lower our guards out of respect for these leaders who (normally have) sacrificed their lives in service to the greater good (though they have not. They conned their way into these positions).

They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, seeking whom they may devour. If they are exposed, they are unaffected, as they just walk away and find another lofty position to scam their way into.

Artist Psychopath

The artist psychopath is the psychopath that is somewhat subdued, eccentric, and unlike other “starving artists,” is able to create a gathering of supporters to support his or her “art.” The art need not be literal as it could be a co-op, business endeavor, or public service organization, but more often than not his or her projects will have an against-the-grain feel to them. Their art may be elaborate schemes and cons. If so, these are known as the “con artists.”

They feel as though they are better than others who are the sheep of society. They are movers and shakers of “movements” and stand against their perception of injustice. They have their own sense of countercultural values that others in their circle should adopt and comply with. They are passionate, easily offended, and are not to be questioned or challenged, or you’re out. No matter how supportive you have been.

The “One True Love” Psychopath

When you run into the One True Love Psychopath, you will be in for the whirlwind romance of your life. You will be swept off your feet and overwhelmed by having met someone who is truly missing another half of you. You are so similar.

The more you get to know him or her, the more you are convinced that you are each other’s perfect match. You like the same foods, and types of entertainment, support the same special interest groups, and share the same philosophical viewpoint. You share the same vocabulary and your hearts beat as one. It’s as if you were cut from the same cloth. And you let down all your defenses and surrender to this undying love.

Then, all of a sudden, everything comes crashing down… and it’s all your fault. From that point, you can do nothing right, and you, yes, you, are the scourge of the earth, as you are cast away, like so much filth.

All his or her charms, all that wooing, all for naught.

Now you know, your “one true love” was one sick nightmare!

Rebel Psychopath

You know this stereotype so well, we see it all around us, the anti-social unsung hero of anyone who ever thought of stepping out of the mainstream and into unsafe territory for the thrill of it all. They are the reckless pathological liars, who find themselves surrounded by drama and possess a sense of pride as they are handcuffed and hauled off to the hoosegow. They wear their DOC number as a badge of honor.

Just being in their presence is a thrill ride of its own, but the thrill fades as their narcissistic wild side passionate bursts of passionate counterculture burst into the landscape and you are quickly asking yourself, “What have I gotten myself into?”

The life of the rebel has many points of entry, you might run into them in rehab, or they may sweet-talk you into joining them on their next exciting escapade.

You might find yourself nursing him or herself back to sobriety or a healthy state of mind, seeing your efforts as a worthy investment because you’ve been convinced of his or her massive potential if only they could get a firm footing to launch from, and you gladly sacrifice to be his or her benefactor, only to be sorely disappointed when they relapse and disappear, potentially leaving you emptyhanded for all your selfless love and support.

Paranoid Psychopath

Everyone (and everything) is out to get him or her. The paranoid psychopath’s world is a wicked place, he or she is always dodging attacks on all sides, from the system, government, society, evil friends, and exes, all focused on making his or her life exceedingly difficult. The paranoid psychopath is fueled by revenge, though it is misdirected.

They would like nothing more than to see the evil system fail and crumble to the ground and any of the people who (they may think) have attacked them or hindered their progress in any way severely punished or killed.

They administer the pain and suffering to the people who they can exert their power over, usually the people closest to them, their own support system, the ones who are trying to help them.

They vacillate between endearing supporters of their cause and pushing them away with their paranoia and offensive and self-destructive eccentricities. They see the source of their pain as being caused by outside forces and you, but there is no doubt they are their own worst enemies.

The Hater Psychopath

There is nothing more self-righteous than the hater psychopath. To them, they are the only person who is right and everyone else is wrong. Not only are they wrong, but if they are identified as being wrong, they should be severely punished or publicly humiliated for not aligning with the values of the hater psychopath, so they must suffer the consequences.

There are haters everywhere, not all haters are psychopaths, but the hater psychopath brings a whole new level of creative abuse to their bag of tricks as they are hell-bent on your destruction.

Hell, hath no fury greater than the hater psychopath. Beware: Once they’ve honed in and decided that you are their targeted mark, you will witness an insane defamation campaign against you, using every trick in the book, and they will not be satisfied until you are completely decimated. Be aware: This may be a life-long obsession.

These are the Top 7 Types of Psychopaths

If you have encountered a predatory psychopath and feel you might be at risk, seek help to get yourself free and look into joining a psychopath victims group near you.