The Psychopath in a Relationship

Many of us live by the Golden Rule and we believe that in some way if we are good people and do good to others, we will be rewarded with a trouble-free life. Not so for the psychopath in a relationship.


Unfortunately, being a kind, gentle, giving, supportive person with a high level of integrity and emotional investment, and involvement in one’s interpersonal relationships makes you a prime target for the predatory psychopath.

Fortunately, there are not enough psychopaths to victimize us all, so for the most part, many of us (98 out of 100) escape the psychopathic abuse directly, though we are surrounded by others who have been victimized every day.

Victims of a Psychopathic Relationship

Victims of a psychopathic relationship are just trying to get by, without being too depressed, ridiculed, swindled, locked up, or killed.

If you have been unfortunate enough to suffer at the hands of a psychopath, you may feel as though you have tangled with the devil himself. You would have never imagined having your life infiltrated and exploited by pure evil.

Everything that you once felt comprised the comfort that you enjoyed as your life was compromised threatened or now ceases to exist; feeling as though you have lost all, and possibly lost hope, as your life’s energy was drained by the beast.

The rose-colored glasses that you may have worn prior to this experience are gone as you are now keenly aware that evil is all around us.

The initial response of the victim is usually to attempt to protect themselves in an effort to prevent them from becoming a victim again. They build brick walls around their hearts and lives. They do not expose themselves.

Because they have had their words used against them in almost insane ways, they hide away and rarely speak for fear that someone will twist every word that they speak into some insane drivel.

Being a kind, loving, generous, empathetic person will not assure that your path will not intersect with that of a psychopath. Also, be aware that attempting to not be any of those things will not assure that you will not be victimized by a psychopath.

Without these traits, one’s life will never be fulfilling – and it is these traits that separate us from the predatory psychopath – do not let fear prevent you from living the high quality of life that you are so privileged to enjoy.

It is better to arm yourself with the knowledge that psychopaths are out there, lurking in the shadows, or brilliantly disguised in plain view, stalking their prey.

Early detection is the key to survival.

By learning what to look for, to take a look behind the curtain of the great and wonderful psychopath, you will have the necessary tools to ferret out the predators.

After you have identified them, you will know to avoid them, thereby proactively protecting yourself from becoming a victim of psychopathic abuse.

What about revenge? The best revenge is massive success, happiness, and fulfillment. So, forget any thoughts you might have about retaliation; instead, focus on being the best you can be and enjoying each moment and treasure that this life has to offer.

Surround yourself with caring, loving friends and family, and distance yourself from people who do not love and accept you for who you are, staying true to your beliefs and core values.

This is fertile ground for healing.

You taking charge of your destiny – no matter what your psychopath does – will drive the abuser crazy. Stay focused, diligent, committed, and steadfast, live your life and ignore the beast.