The Post-psychopath Road to the New You

You may not feel like it now, but trust me, there is a magnificent new you waiting for your arrival just around the corner. Maybe it’s time for an introductory meeting.

Meet the New You

This is an incredible opportunity for you to establish a new life, totally unrelated to any experiences you may have endured with the predatory psychopath. You may be a psychopath victim, but this status does not define you.

A common reaction to being victimized by a psychopath includes a withdrawal from other people and a severe reduction in self-esteem. If you are experiencing a tendency to be reclusive, avoiding going out in public, or are suffering fear of social interaction, the best counter-suppressive action you can take is to do something that you don’t feel like doing.

You need to lift your vibratory state from one of “survival” to one of “living life,” and doing so abundantly, as soon as possible. So, when you are ready, take the first proactive step.

First, make a list of the things that you have always wanted to do. Maybe not a full bucket list, but at least a list of the top 5 things. If at all possible, do three of four of these things on your list in the next month. Empowering yourself to accomplish these things will help your natural zeal for living life come back.

You know what comes next; make another list for the next month.

This will help you establish the vibrational frequency of the new you. Self-empowered, enjoying life, as you put this psychopathic experience behind you.

Raising Your Vibration

There are many types of ways that you can raise your vibrational frequency, and these are associated with the things that you can do to increase your self-confidence, happiness, familial and friendship connections, passion for meaningful activities, and a heightened sense of contribution and purpose in life.

Every day, allow yourself a little treat, or pleasurable activity. Don’t wait for someone to ask you to do a particular thing, take yourself to a movie or dinner. Partake in a spa day. If you can’t afford to go out for a spa day, create your party-of-one spa day at home. Just to pamper yourself.

Consider taking steps, baby steps if necessary, every day as the new you begins to evolve and emerge, leading the way to your new life.


I am not suggesting that you consider forgiving your psychopath for anything. I already know that at this moment in time, now that you are free from the psychopath, no one is beating you up any more than you are. The time has come to cut yourself some major slack.

You Need to Forgive Yourself

You have been blaming yourself for long enough. This has so much less to do with you than it does with the predatory psychopath who is directly responsible for your suffering. Yes, you played your role in this. Maybe you didn’t make the right choices at the most critical times in all this. Maybe you compromised when you knew that doing so was not in your best interest. Maybe you did let yourself down or execute self-preservation as well as you could have, and you know better. You may have allowed yourself to be manipulated and failed yourself in any number of ways.

You were exploited, manipulated, and abused by a sophisticated predator. You are not to blame for what happened. You were victimized.

Forgive yourself.

You trusted. You cared and loved. You were supportive and compassionate. You were a good person, and you still are. You did nothing wrong. Do not let unforgiveness for yourself block you from all the good things in life that are waiting for you on the other side of this episode in your life.

Forgiving yourself is the doorway you must pass through to a more satisfying, productive, happy, and successful future, where untold blessings are waiting for you.

Replace Former Rituals

Sure, there were activities that you enjoyed with the psychopath, this is part of their grooming process. The whole time, you may have thought you were having the time of your life, all the while the psycho was setting your up for an enormous devasting fall.

Maybe every Wednesday was “date night,” and you went to dinner and a movie. Maybe Valentine’s Day and/or some other holidays were specially celebrated by you and your psychopath in particularly endearing ways. Only now, they foster feelings of angst, betrayal, or devastation.

You can anticipate feeling uncomfortable, to say the least, when these dates appear in the future.

Think about things that you would rather do on these dates and times to create new, healthy, fulfilling rituals that uplift you and celebrate your new life going forward.

Honor the Lessons

At the very least, this psychopathic episode was a learning experience. Don’t let it go to waste. What the psychopath meant for you was evil, but the knowledge you gained from this experience was priceless.

I can tell you this, a psychologist can get a degree from Harvard University, and right now, at this moment in time, you have more practical experience in psychopathy, than any Harvard graduate.

You should be awarded a purple heart for being wounded amidst this action and you have survived and will become increasingly victorious as you go forth.

You will be documenting many things along the way, so make sure the lessons learned from your traumatic involvement mean something. The meaning can be found in the lessons you learned from this experience. Maybe your lessons may help someone else, or maybe not, but you deserve the blessing that will come from learning these lessons.

You may not see it now, likely not, but at some point, in the future, you will see the divinity in the suffering you have endured in those moments, and the lessons learned will be powerful, impactful, and will be at your fingertips at the right time. Then you will know all things really do work together for good.