What if the Psychopath is Pretending to be Me on Facebook?

As psychopaths continue to target their victims, it is not uncommon for them to turn to the Internet, specifically the World Wide Web, to carry out their ongoing character assassination in a psychopathic manner. Regarding the social media platform Facebook, you have asked, “What steps can I take if someone has committed identity theft by… Continue reading What if the Psychopath is Pretending to be Me on Facebook?

Psychopathic Perception

Psychopaths perceive the world through a distinct lens, diverging from the majority of individuals. They possess a fascination with possessions and energy, deriving pleasure from manipulating others and depleting them of their resources. To them, it’s akin to a game, akin to effortlessly snatching candy from an unsuspecting child. Unfortunately, their targets can be anyone,… Continue reading Psychopathic Perception

A Psychopath Victim Re: Stalking and Terrorizing

I am filled with fear and apprehension. The gang-stalking psychopaths I’m dealing with possess advanced technical skills that enable them to breach my network security and infect all my devices, including my phones. The mere act of anonymously sending this message poses a risk. I find myself trapped in an effective smear campaign where everyone,… Continue reading A Psychopath Victim Re: Stalking and Terrorizing

Psycha: Psychopathic Character Assassination

Psychopathic Character Assassination (Psyca) is a tactic employed by psychopaths to destroy the credibility and reputation of their victims. Psychopaths often maintain multiple personas, with one being an upbeat and revered personality that masks their true dark self. They excel at manipulating others’ perceptions and charming them to build trust. The process of Psyca typically… Continue reading Psycha: Psychopathic Character Assassination

12 Steps in Recovery from Religious Psychopath Victimization

I have refrained from discussing my work with clients who have experienced spiritual abuse from religious psychopaths for quite some time. This aspect of my work is deeply personal and confidential. The reason for my hesitation is rooted in my background in the ministerial sciences. I cherish the religious phase of my spiritual journey and… Continue reading 12 Steps in Recovery from Religious Psychopath Victimization

How to Identify the Psychopath in the Room

Psychopaths possess a consistent charm and eloquence that often comes across as being nonchalant. They excel at being entertaining conversationalists, always ready with a clever and quick-witted response. They can spin unlikely yet convincing tales, and their ability to present themselves in a positive light is remarkable. However, some people find them too smooth and… Continue reading How to Identify the Psychopath in the Room

Psychopaths Using the Internet to Terrorize Their Victims

Regrettably, psychopaths have numerous avenues at their disposal to target and defame individuals through online platforms. This behavior, commonly known as cyberbullying, encompasses various forms of cybercriminal activities such as internet fraud, social media harassment, online exploitation, and toxic computer stalking. The advent of the World Wide Web has significantly facilitated the dissemination of propaganda… Continue reading Psychopaths Using the Internet to Terrorize Their Victims

Psychopath Victims Toolkit

Before you start to label anyone as a psychopath, please remember that psychopathy is a spectrum. On one end of the spectrum, there are high-functioning psychopaths with very little effect on society or loved ones. On the other end of the spectrum, the most violent and predatory criminal minds prevail, and every variation of psychopathy… Continue reading Psychopath Victims Toolkit