Rebuilding Your Fractured and Distorted Personality

Rebuilding one’s personality which is fractured and distorted after experiencing deep and hidden traumatic wounds suffered as a psychopath victim is a complex and multifaceted process that requires a holistic approach. Here are some steps and strategies that can help positively impact a psychopath victim’s life and help them not only take their lives back… Continue reading Rebuilding Your Fractured and Distorted Personality

Rebuilding Your Life Following Your Psychopathic Entanglement

You have been through one of the most horrific events that can be visited upon a human being. Recovery from such an episode in life can take many stages. The first stage is, SURVIVAL This is the phase that encompasses your separation from the predatory psychopath and establishing a holistic safe and secure environment for… Continue reading Rebuilding Your Life Following Your Psychopathic Entanglement

Alternative Practices for Victims in Their Emotional Healing

It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for healing from trauma caused by predatory psychopaths. Flexibility should cover as wide a spectrum as possible for allowing the victim to process the trauma from psychopathic abuse as best suits the victim. Recovery can be a long and difficult process, and different people… Continue reading Alternative Practices for Victims in Their Emotional Healing

Health and Nutrition of Psychopath Victims in Recovery

Pay attention to the health and nutrition of psychopath victims in recovery. When psychopath victims can break free from the predatory psychopath they should be evaluated by a medical professional because there is a good chance that they have suffered physiologically in many ways. This is often overlooked as the focus is on the psychological… Continue reading Health and Nutrition of Psychopath Victims in Recovery

The Post-psychopath Road to the New You

You may not feel like it now, but trust me, there is a magnificent new you waiting for your arrival just around the corner. Maybe it’s time for an introductory meeting. Meet the New You This is an incredible opportunity for you to establish a new life, totally unrelated to any experiences you may have… Continue reading The Post-psychopath Road to the New You

Victims of Psychopath’s Emotional Support

If you’ve been a victim of a psychopath’s exploitation and/or abuse, you are going to need some victims-of-psychopaths emotional support post haste. Start with establishing a new routine to make the sacred space to deal with the grief and find a way to release all that pent-up emotion. Establish Routine One of the best ways… Continue reading Victims of Psychopath’s Emotional Support

Well-intentioned Continued Abuse

There are people who care about you, some who may even be active in the therapeutic sciences, who have no idea they are engaging in well-intentioned continued abuse. Even though they are trying to be understanding and supportive, they mean well but are actually doing more harm than good.   These well-intentioned psycho-ignorants do not understand that… Continue reading Well-intentioned Continued Abuse

Recovering from Psychopathic Abuse

Victims of predatory psychopaths have suffered terribly at the hands of master manipulators who are extremely adept at keeping their victims in a virtual state of panic by utilizing psychologically controlling and abusive whirlwinds of mind and emotionally damaging tactics. Survivor of predatory psychopathic abuse has found ways to numb their feelings, in a sense… Continue reading Recovering from Psychopathic Abuse

Blame the Psychopath Victim

The biggest error, misconception, and disservice which compounds psychopathic abuse are to blame the psychopath victim. Yet, well-meaning doctors, lawyers, law enforcement officials, friends, and family continue to do so, reinforcing the psychopath’s grip on the victim’s psyches resulting in greater pain and suffering, especially in the beginning. The process of healing, recovery, and therapeutic… Continue reading Blame the Psychopath Victim