Rebuilding Your Fractured and Distorted Personality

Rebuilding one’s personality which is fractured and distorted after experiencing deep and hidden traumatic wounds suffered as a psychopath victim is a complex and multifaceted process that requires a holistic approach. Here are some steps and strategies that can help positively impact a psychopath victim’s life and help them not only take their lives back… Continue reading Rebuilding Your Fractured and Distorted Personality

Rebuilding Your Life Following Your Psychopathic Entanglement

You have been through one of the most horrific events that can be visited upon a human being. Recovery from such an episode in life can take many stages. The first stage is, SURVIVAL This is the phase that encompasses your separation from the predatory psychopath and establishing a holistic safe and secure environment for… Continue reading Rebuilding Your Life Following Your Psychopathic Entanglement

Documentation Journaling Family Friends and Contact

DOCUMENTATION The better the documentation, the sooner following the experience, will offer the best report of the details. As time goes on, the details become fuzzy, less accurate, or reliable. So, as soon as possible, get this story on paper as chronologically ordered as possible, with as much detail as the victim can muster. If… Continue reading Documentation Journaling Family Friends and Contact

Unravelling the Entangled Web of Psychopathic Tripwires

Having the experience of being exposed to a predatory psychopath has given him or her ample opportunity to set up a sophisticated and intertwined set of tripwires that are booby-trapped and can be tripped by anything from the slightest thought to being triggered by sensory perception, sight, sound, touch, audio, or sense of smell that… Continue reading Unravelling the Entangled Web of Psychopathic Tripwires