Psychopathic Parents

We have run across many psychopath victims who claim that they were victimized by a pair of psychopathic parents. According to the adult child victims, both parents test positive for psychopathy, no doubt about it. As with all things psychopathic, things are not always what they seem.   When two psychopaths pair up, it is… Continue reading Psychopathic Parents

How to Deal with a Psychopath Family Member

Why is it important to know how to deal with a psychopath family member? Because it is on you to first protect yourself, and then those that you love from such toxic exposure. There is a reason we refer to predatory psychopaths as toxic. It is because being exposed to a toxic substance is poisonous.… Continue reading How to Deal with a Psychopath Family Member

My Brother is a Psychopath

It is not uncommon for a psychopath victim to be attacked and abused by a psychopathic sibling. One day it occurs to the victim that, “My brother is a psychopath!” and it is three times more likely that the psychopathic sibling is a brother, rather than a sister psychopath. For the victim of a psycho-sib,… Continue reading My Brother is a Psychopath

Psychopath is a Family Member

What if your predatory psychopath is a family member? At least it should be no surprise. Predatory psychopaths are wired the way they are due to either being born that way (nature) or have become the predatory psychopath via experience (nurture). The first to know, but are afraid of the diagnosis, are the parents, and… Continue reading Psychopath is a Family Member