Psychopathic Character Flaws

Here are some of the psychopathic character flaws that you should be aware of: “Laws are Relative.” Psychopaths feel as though they are above the law, and that rules do not apply to them. Nothing is black-and-white, right-or-wrong, good-or-bad; there is always a loophole or series of circumstances that keep them exempt from the fear… Continue reading Psychopathic Character Flaws

How Do You Diagnose a Psychopath?

You are probably wondering, how do you diagnose a psychopath? Know that there is a big difference between a psychiatric diagnosis and that of a layman. A psychiatrist would go through a full barrage of tests to make a diagnosis with a fairly high degree of accuracy.   In my practice, I reduce the layman’s… Continue reading How Do You Diagnose a Psychopath?