Belief in People, Psychopaths, and Prison Ministry

Do you believe that everyone is essentially a good person? Do you believe that there is good that can be found in anyone? You might believe that even if you’ve seen a person at their worst, there is still some area inside them that can lead one to redemption, even the most wicked. Do You… Continue reading Belief in People, Psychopaths, and Prison Ministry

Is It Me? No, it’s the Psychopath!

Whoa, you thought your entanglement with a psychopath was a horrible roller coaster ride. Wait until you try to disentangle, it gets even worse. You’re liable to ask yourself, “Is it me?” No, it’s the psychopath. At first, you think, “I’m free,” but you soon find out that freedom can be more elusive than you… Continue reading Is It Me? No, it’s the Psychopath!

Psychopath Precautionary Preparedness

In continuation of post-psychopath precautions, we will drill down a little deeper into these 4 precautions to have in place for your preparedness following any relationship with a predatory psychopath. Do Not Seek a Replacement Parting ways with a psychopath will leave a void. No doubt. Do not seek out someone else to fill the… Continue reading Psychopath Precautionary Preparedness

Should I Seek Revenge for Being Victimized by a Psychopath?

No doubt you have been victimized by a predatory psychopath, and you would like to see justice served by such a wrongdoer. Do whatever you can to avoid seeking revenge. Going after a psychopath will cause more angst and trouble for the victim. High-level psychopaths hope that their victims will try to try to avenge… Continue reading Should I Seek Revenge for Being Victimized by a Psychopath?

The Psychopath Ex

I had several clients who were married to and divorced from a psychopath or in a relationship and out of a relationship. They successfully exited these circumstances, when they finally got the psychopath to leave. The reason the psychopaths left was not because the victim had protested enough that he or she finally gave up… Continue reading The Psychopath Ex

When Good Counseling Goes Bad

Before any counselor, coach, or therapist has been embroiled in the affairs of a predatory psychopath, he or she may not be equipped with the proper skills to deal with the psychopath. This shows up most noticeably when working with couples. This is when otherwise good counseling goes bad.   It is not the fault… Continue reading When Good Counseling Goes Bad