So You Think You Want to Take Your Law Enforcement Psychopath to Court

If you need to go forward by filing a case against the law enforcement psychopath (LEP) for any reason, the top two bring either the psycho has refused to leave you alone and has turned up the heat or you are hell-bent on seeing this person pay for his or her crimes and you are certain you’re the one who can see this through, then you need to be ready.

In readying yourself for the road that lies ahead, you will need a mantra that you can chant to yourself in those times when you’re feeling weak, conflicted, challenged, or unworthy, Make it s powerful statement. Powerful enough that when you feel like giving up, it will help push you forward in the doing of what needs to be done.

District Attorney

Meet with the District Attorney and have your advocate in tow for emotional support. Explain your dilemma. Your odds of getting a District Attorney to take your case are about as good as a coin toss because half of them want to rid law enforcement of bad seeds while the other half would see this as a conflict of interest.

If the District Attorney agrees to take your case, do not file your police report with the department where your law enforcement psychopath works. Make your report with a different precinct within the same jurisdiction, where it will be more difficult for the psychopath to get his or her hands on it and where the psycho will have fewer emotional ties in the department.

State Attorney General

If the District Attorney will not take your case, then seek out your State Attorney General to take on your case.


Check to see if there is a prosecutor who handles domestic violence cases in your area. If there is not one, alternatively try to make contact with a prosecutor that specializes in felonies. Whoever you talk to, make sure that you tell them upfront that the person you are reporting works in law enforcement and mention where the psychopath is employed, also mention that you have concerns about your personal safety in taking this measure. Also mention that you would not want the investigation conducted by Internal Affairs in the same precinct, for obvious reasons.

Internal Affairs

A highly skilled psychopath will easily be able to manipulate Internal Affairs investigators, especially if he or she is well acquainted with them. Give the prosecutor a chance to voice whether he or she is the right fit for the circumstances. If not, they may be able to refer you to someone they feel is more qualified to deal with the situation.

Internal Affairs will want to interview you about the allegations. Refuse to talk to Internal Affairs staff until any court proceedings are completed and the case is closed. Internal Affairs can get a copy of the reports you have made from the authorities. Refer them accordingly, refuse to answer any further questions, and maintain your integrity.

If there have been no criminal accusations or charges filed against the law enforcement psychopath, then you can cooperate with Internal Affairs, so that they can conduct their investigation of the psychopath. As always, whenever you agree to offer information or meet with anyone regarding the psychopath, ask that it be recorded, and bring along your advocate or witness. See to it that both you and your witness document the interaction as succinctly as possible.

Internal Affairs is a tricky part of the law enforcement business. Officially, they exist to protect the department, and if your psychopath works there, they may be working on his or her behalf to see that he or she is reinstated or returns to work as soon as possible. That is, unless your psychopath has already been in their sights and your testimony may be enough to finally get this law-enforcement-empowered criminal taken care of once and for all.

Never Go Alone

When you meet with anyone bring along your trusted advocate who can verify the conversations and dialogue as it unfolds. This will keep anyone from trying to twist your words, which is the playground of psychopaths. Never meet with an official alone, without a witness. Your witness will also be able to help you remember the details of the conversation that you may forget due to this being a stressful environment. So, make sure to have a conference with your witness as soon as possible following the meeting to review the details. Also, document the details in your journal as well.


When you talk with a prosecutor be sure to mention that you want this conversation to be confidential and undiscoverable. You want to delay any leaking of your efforts before the time that it is absolutely necessary during the court process when discovery will be unavoidable. Even so, the prosecutor may be able to leave out certain details on your behalf that may not be necessary to the prosecution.

Video Record

Request that your initial interview and statement be video recorded so that it can be used in upcoming investigations or cross-examination. Avoid retelling your story on the grounds that it is too painful. Refer requests to retell your story to police or investigators to the video recording.

Copies of Documentation

Make copies of all the documentation you have and give everything you can to the district attorney. Your advocate can help you with the process if necessary. Never give up your original copies. They should remain safely locked away inside your safe deposit box.

Pre-contact Notification

Request you’re being advised in advance of any interview or arrest that may be taking place of your psychopath. These requests are often granted in detail. You may feel the attraction to the idea of being in the wings at the scene of the arrest, but it is better not to be a witness to this event, especially if there is any chance that the psycho might see you. Just rest assured that it is taking place and use the head’s up to make sure that you are in a safe place when it happens.

Be Prepared for the Beast

It is at this time that the psychopath will know that you are behind this, and you should be expecting any number of ways that the psycho will use to get you to drop the charges or vanish into thin air. Be ready for this and do not subject yourself to responding to any communication or threats, again documenting anything that happens to the psychopath or any third-party contacts that may be acting on his or her behalf.

Once you have told your story to the prosecution or reporting agency, avoid retelling your story and stick to your original statement. If you are asked just say that you are too distraught to go over the details again and refer them to the report(s) on file. This is to keep you from having any variances in your story that may be used to show incongruency or could be twisted to show that your testimony is unreliable. Do not leave loopholes for your psychopath to take advantage of.

Protection Order

Get a no-contact restraining order or order of protection. Since the psychopath is considered innocent until proven guilty, even if he is placed behind bars, law enforcement may not be able to hold him or her long, and he or she may be able to return to work while the investigation ensues and the case gets set for trial.

Legal Assistance

Check with your advocate who may be able to have access to legal help or attorneys that could help you with your restraining order filing. If at all possible, retain the services of a lawyer who can handle the details of your preliminary hearing. If you are unable to, the local courthouse will often have someone who can advise you on a limited basis.

Inform your legal counsel that you want to avoid a retaliatory restraining order against you to “protect” the law enforcement psychopath. This is just a legal ploy to show that you may be equally at fault or dangerous if it is issued. Block this in any way possible.

Revoke the Right to Carry

See that the law enforcement psychopath’s right to carry even in the line of duty is revoked for the duration of the restraining order. God forbid you are potentially at risk of injury or death by means of his or her service weapon.

Supervised Exit

If you are cohabitating with the psychopath at the time of the charges being filed, request that the court issue an order forcing the psychopath to exit your residence. If granted, the defendant will have to remove his or her belongings under the watchful eye of law enforcement. Make sure that you are present during the removal of personal items with your witness attending and making certain that no contact is made, not even dirty looks, and document anything that may be unusual or threatening.

Your Safe Location

If you are unable to stay in the house, make sure your arrangements have been made to reside in a safe location, undisclosed to the psychopath. See that the details of your safe place are kept confidential at all costs. And if you have children, make sure that you are awarded at least temporary custody of them and have the court orders to prove it.

Disclose Private Weapons

There is a place on the restraining order that allows you to notify the authorities of any weapons that the psychopath might have. Make sure you fill in that part of the form as completely as possible. See to it that these items are confiscated and held by authorities, until such a time as they may be returned to the law enforcement psychopath. Be forewarned and prepared as the defendant will have a right to see your request for your restraining order.

Report Any Violations Promptly

If you must document any violation of the restraining order at any time, be sure to document the report including the time, date, and location of the reporting, the name of the person who took the report, and be sure to get a copy of the report with a report number issued by the reporting agency. Add this to your collection of documentation.

Family Representation

If you are married, in a relationship with, or share children with the psychopath, get a good family or divorce lawyer who is experienced in dealing with law enforcement partners, who know how to do everything they can to discredit the plaintiff and manipulate the system to their advantage.


Regarding the children, request that the judge grant a temporary cool-down period where the defendant has no contact with the children for some time, hopefully until the case is heard, again bringing up y our fear of retaliation and potential loss of life. And you know, if he has access to the kids, he will do whatever he can to turn them against you.

No Mediation

If the psychopath suggests going through an impartial mediation process, do not do it. You will not be as protected in mediation as you would be in a courtroom, and you may end up negotiating and agreeing to conditions that are not in your best interest. Mediation may be a good option for normal people but not if you’re dealing with a psychopath with any degree of sophistication.

Child Abuse

If there has been any child abuse perpetrated by the psychopath, do not make any accusations regarding the child abuse unless you have undeniable evidence. Judges are leery of child abuse allegations because they are commonly used by nefarious spouses to gain leverage in court. If you do not have undeniable evidence, set it aside and save it for another day.