Sleeping with a Psychopath

What if I’m sleeping with a psychopath?

Good question. First of all, your predatory psychopath is ecstatic about the fact that you are sleeping with him or her because this is one of the most manipulative positions they can find themselves in. No one is easier to manipulate, fleece, exploit, or otherwise victimize than someone who is engaged in sexual activity with a psychopath.

If you are sleeping with a psychopath (okay, let’s get real, you’re not just sleeping) there is a good chance that you’ve been (1) groomed and (2) courted by the psycho, and depending on where you are at in this psychopathic relationship, either you are (3) head over heels in love, or you were and now you’re (4) wondering what the hell is going on. Or, if the relationship has run its course, it is clear that (5) you’ve been played, you have suffered the effects of this entanglement, and to your psychopath’s amusement, you are in a great deal of pain, and are devasted from the experience.

Your intimate relationship is a sophisticated process that starts out as the most amazing relationship that you have ever had, that ends in a burning inferno.

The Psychopathic Intimate Relationship Process

1. You are Being Groomed by the Psychopath

In the beginning, the psychopath befriends you and becomes your most trusted friend. They draw you in by sharing intimate details about themselves and expect you to reveal your intimate secrets in kind. Only the intimate details they are sharing with you are either totally fictitious or greatly exaggerated, and yours are the painful truth. You’ve been longing to find someone you can talk to that you can trust with these details, so you do… Your psychopath is storing this information to be used as a weapon against you later. In the meantime, this sharing of intimate (secret) details draws you closer to the psychopath’s web.

2. You Are Courted by the Psychopath

At some point when your psychopath has felt like he or she has built a sufficient trust bond with you, his or her affections turn romantic, as you are overwhelmed by a relentless flood of affectionate attention and proclamation of love, even if you are already in a suitable romantic relationship at the moment. If you are in a relationship with someone else, the psycho will find ways to discredit the person you are in a relationship with now and create mind games that will have you thinking something is desperately wrong. Not surprisingly, you will probably start thinking that the person you love(d) is a “psychopath.”

And they keep building this relationship until,

3. You Are Thoroughly In Love with the Psychopath

They wear down all your defenses using every trick in the book until you are mindlessly “in love” and dedicated to the psychopath, who has become the undeniable object of your affection. And that is where things start going a bit wonky.

4. You Start Wondering What the Hell is Going On

Now that you’ve all but pledged your heart and soul to the psycho, the strangest things will start to occur. You will start to notice inconsistencies, and you will be told, “It’s all in your mind.” And it’s these kinds of mind games that will make you start to wonder if you are of sound mind. How could all this just be from an overactive imagination? Your psychopath’s not being where he or she said they would be at the agreed-upon time, will all be credited to you not remembering the details correctly. And as you start to wonder if the psycho is on the up and up, “How dare you to question the undying love and commitment” your psychopath has for you. He or she would surely take a bullet for you or even give their own life for you (they will say to dispel any questions you might have about their integrity). These inconsistencies are clues that your psychopath is already sizing up his or her next victim, or may already have one on the hook, as he or she prepares for the,

5. Pain and Suffering Associated with Being Played by the Psycho

The intimate relationship with the psychopath who has pledged his or her undying love for you never ends well, and always ends. You are left wondering what happened as your heart is broken. You may have suffered a broken heart in the past, but being played by a psycho is the most devastating kind of relationship’s end of all. Not only that but you are likely left well worn. Your emotional, mental, and physiological states will have all been compromised. You will be exhausted, depressed, sad, and lonely, and your cognitive abilities will be at risk due to the relentless game-playing you have endured. And if you had a certain degree of financial security, chances are, you will have suffered in your finances as well, and maybe broke.

There is nothing more satisfying for the psychopath than leaving an intimate relationship with a fully victimized partner with little life force, preferably in financial ruin, and homeless. (Evil laugh in the background.)