Recovering from Psychopathic Abuse

Victims of predatory psychopaths have suffered terribly at the hands of master manipulators who are extremely adept at keeping their victims in a virtual state of panic by utilizing psychologically controlling and abusive whirlwinds of mind and emotionally damaging tactics.

Survivor of predatory psychopathic abuse has found ways to numb their feelings, in a sense severing the connection between their heart and their mind. Be aware that if you find yourself in a position to offer assistance to a psychopath victim, you may be facing resistance from the very person you are attempting to help.

Masterful predatory psychopaths use mind-manipulating program tactics to associate their needs, wants, and desires with the psychopath. Victims can be programmed to think of the psychopath as the only answer to when they feel pain, hunger, shame, loneliness, embarrassment, anger, worthiness, sexuality, or enjoyment. All the emotions that the psychopath can anchor to him- or herself.

The most cunning psychopaths use language, both vocal and body, to anchor these needs, wants, and desire to themselves. This is how the victim has been exploited or brainwashed. When they did not realize that they were in trouble, and did not know that they were nothing more than a source of supply, this newly constructed false reality seemed, safe and normal.

Now that the victim is aware that this was a complete setup and con intentionally fabricated to exploit the victim, this adds even more pain and suffering to the pain already being suffered by the victim. Naturally, the survival matrix of the victim kicks into gear to protect them from more damage or devastation.

Either consciously or unconsciously, the victim replays every moment, every word spoken, every nuance, and associates red-flag triggers, to help the victim survive any further abuse. This is a side effect of the trauma they have endured, as they get bogged down with endless rumination over the intricate details of the preceding events.

This is hard for the average observer to stomach, to watch someone you care about and would like to help get stuck in the relentless repetitive storytelling of the details of past abuse, even annoying, but it is all part of the self-healing process as the victims struggle to make sense of the past and attempts to find sound foundational footing to re-launch life in a safe manner.

To add insult to injury, the recovering psychopath victim may not respond appropriately to your attempts to reach out, understand, care, and help because you are likely to use words, the very same words in the same sequences, a similar look, or posture that the psychopath used to exploit them. They react negatively in survival mode. Any normal person would be offended by such a reaction, especially not having a clear understanding of what the victim is going through.

Whereas a psychopath victim recovery coach would be more apt to listen and feedback on the data in a way to encourage the victim to further evaluate, drill down, and find ways to embrace the traumatic events, reframing them into a learning exercise, as often as necessary, to further empower them on their life’s journey. An aware, understanding people-helper will embrace this method as an effective approach that leads to healing and overcoming the effect of being abused by a psychopath.

To offer an otherwise disrespectful response actually prevents healing and increases the damage proliferated by the psychopath leading to well-intentioned continued abuse.