Psychopaths Using the Internet to Terrorize Their Victims

Regrettably, psychopaths have numerous avenues at their disposal to target and defame individuals through online platforms. This behavior, commonly known as cyberbullying, encompasses various forms of cybercriminal activities such as internet fraud, social media harassment, online exploitation, and toxic computer stalking.

The advent of the World Wide Web has significantly facilitated the dissemination of propaganda against innocent victims. With just a few clicks and the submission of an online form, a psychopath causing irreparable harm to someone’s reputation can create a tumultuous uproar among internet-savvy individuals. This can result in the targeted individual being subjected to defamation, the rallying of online mobs against them, and the spread of lies, half-truths, libel, and slanderous reports through personal websites, blogs, comment sections, and seemingly credible third-party websites.

The power of the internet is undeniable. While it can be an incredible resource when used for good, it becomes exponentially more potent as a weapon when directed against an individual. This is largely because many internet users thrive on drama. If they believe they can uncover hidden damaging information about someone through a simple Google search, they may feel a sense of triumph. Unfortunately, even with efforts to defend oneself, the seed of doubt planted by conspiracy theorists can tarnish an individual’s image or reputation indefinitely.

To illustrate the tactics of a psychopath’s attack, let’s consider a scenario where someone testifies against a psychopath, leading to their conviction and imprisonment. The psychopath, fixated on revenge, directs all their energy towards the person who testified against them. In an attempt to destroy their credibility, the psychopath may project their character attributes onto the individual, portraying themselves as the true victim and suggesting that the person framed them or engaged in conspiracies.

The psychopath takes any known facts about the individual and distorts them into wild stories that would captivate conspiracy theorists. For example:

Fact Psychopath’s Spin
Graduated from Harvard Never attended Harvard, and their credentials are fabricated
Married at an early age Due to unwed pregnancy and illicit drug use, they were forced into marriage
Bought a new car The old car contained DNA evidence of the murder victim
Owns a home Swindled a retiree out of their home
Vacationed in Vegas Involved in money laundering for the mob
Divorced Spouse left due to infidelity Children are adults Subjected children to (possibly sexual) abuse
Dog died Killed the dog after torturing it
Friends love them Friends unaware of the truth about the individual

Psychopaths excel at spinning elaborate tales about their victims, aiming to destroy their credibility entirely. Imagine applying for a job, only for potential employers to stumble upon these defamatory reports on the internet. Additionally, receiving calls from friends who claim to have been contacted by (supposed) public agencies investigating the individual for illicit or illegal activities can be distressing.

Despite the evolution of communication technology, including caller ID spoofing, which enables psychopaths to make calls appear to originate from local police departments or FBI offices, there are measures individuals can take to protect themselves:

  1. Early detection: Avoid engaging with potential psychopaths. If you suspect someone may be a psychopath, cease contact with them immediately and permanently.
  2. Ignoring: If you have already been targeted, ignoring the psychopath is crucial. Responding to their attacks, whether in defense or otherwise, only fuels their motivation.
  3. Protecting others: Encourage friends and associates to document any interactions with the psychopath and refrain from responding to their assaults. Responding only encourages psychopaths to intensify their efforts.
  4. Legal action: It is essential to recognize that prosecution and imprisonment of a psychopath for cybercrimes may not guarantee protection. In some cases, psychopaths continue their crimes through accomplices directed from behind bars.

Remaining vigilant, taking appropriate precautions, and seeking support from law enforcement and legal professionals can help individuals combat the detrimental effects of psychopathic attacks in the digital realm.