Psychopaths and the ASPD Cycle of Abuse

On the path to recovery from psychopathic victimization, expect a roller coaster ride. Remember how much of a roller coaster ride your experience with the psychopath was? Well, recovery will be more of the same, only there is the great promise of wellness, happiness, and love in the outcome.

ASPD Cycle of Abuse

That is unless you fall into the ASPD Cycle of Abuse. ASPD stands for anti-social personality disorder which is a spectrum that includes narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths. Mental health professionals are veering away from the archaic and judgmental titles, like narcissist, sociopath, and psychopath for more politically correct anti-social personality disorder which is a spectrum that includes all these less-than-human (at least when compared to the rest of us) tendencies and personality traits.

But around here? A duck’s a duck, and a psychopath is a psychopath. Are we talking about a clinical diagnosis? No. You’re a psychopathic piece of work. You are trashy, manipulative, have no regard for others, self-centered, a piece of work with no feelings, and think you’re all that? Well, you’re not.

Your reign of terror on this victim… Is this one right here? It stops here and now. Psychopath muthersucker.

The strangest thing is, there are some of us who either attract or are attracted to individuals on the spectrum. These charming and charismatic men and women do not have our best interests at heart. Why that is, is not beyond me, but I realize it can take a great deal of inner work, deep work, to get to a place where you can break the ASPD Cycle of Abuse.

You know if you’re caught in it because you’ve seen this before. Not the same, maybe not as bad, but you’ve found yourself in close association with someone on the anti-social personality disorder spectrum before.

If you are just now recognizing it, then make this one of your primary goals, to figure out why you place yourself in these kinds of toxic circumstances and stop letting this happen to you. If that’s what you want. If you like it and want more? More power to you, but something to be looking at along the way nonetheless.

If you really want this, severance and protection from this psychopath? You’re gonna have some tough row to hoe ahead of you. This is a gardening reference referring to the new journey you will be going on that leads from where you are right now, to where you’d rather be in your life, health, security, and looking forward to a fulfilling long life full of happiness and love.

There will be some preparation and tending to the garden for you to yield the benefits from it to enjoy your new life free from psychopathic influences.

There will be good times, and not-so-good times along the way. Those storms may come, like when you feel like you’d rather go back and have a do-over with the psychopath, and all the work you put into the garden was for not. At least it may look that way on the surface.

If you spent the time preparing the soil for your garden, doing the work that will support you in your new life, then you can get back on track after the storm, storms come in many types, fairly easily. It’s the recoveries that count.

Okay, you feel like that’s not a possibility for you, your path to recovery is stormproof, hey, no problem. Good for you. Just know that if a little tornado sweeps by, there is no judgment here, and we have your back, regardless.

Just focus on and do what you can to take care of yourself, and keep moving in the direction that you want to go as best you can.

Being victimized by a psychopath says a lot about the kind of person that you are. Psychopaths tend to seek out victims that are strong, respectable, hard workers, who are dependable, trustworthy, and have the biggest loving and open hearts. That’s normally how they get to you, through the heart.

The most proficient psychopaths are masters at manipulating the heart of a compassionate and caring person. So, the fact that you were targeted, means you are a loving and empathetic person. This also means that you were traumatized more by your psychopathic encounter and you will suffer through the disentangling from the psychopath more than someone whose heart is not as big as yours.

That said, you must be mindful not to lose your heart over this ordeal. The psychopath would love nothing more than to see your heart turned to a cold stone, and you not having love for yourself or anyone else. These psychos do not deserve the satisfaction.

Let this episode in your life lead you to an even higher plateau where you can enjoy even more love for yourself and others, and let your light of love shine all around the world.

In the meantime, let’s do some damage control.

7 Steps to Prepare Your Soil Post Psychopath

Some things we need to cover right out of the gate are the seven steps to prepare your soil,

  1. You are not responsible for this.
  2. None of this was love.
  3. You couldn’t have changed anything.
  4. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.
  5. There were no good times.
  6. Rumination is not your friend.
  7. Privacy is your friend.