Psychopathic Romance

What does it Look Like to be in a psychopathic romance relationship?

If you can think back to the time before the psychopath, you might remember that your life seemed to have a calm normalcy about it.

You had an acceptable job/career, a number of friends, a few that you thought you could rely on, and the normal number of minor challenges in everyday life.

Enter the psychopath: In a relatively short amount of time, your life is turned into a whirlwind of utter chaos, confusion, heartache, and turmoil. And any of the things that brought you comfort before i.e., employment, friends, savings, and normal creature comforts have all been compromised, or are now non-existent. This is the curse of the predatory psychopath.

There are many types of relationships where psychopaths flourish; here we will examine what it might look like in some of the scenarios with psychopathic involvement.

Psychopathic Romance

The number one area where psychopaths wield their superior abilities to manipulate the unsuspecting victim is in the area of love and romance.

In a love relationship, they are often perceived as the perfect mate. They appear to be perfect not only in your eyes but in the eyes of your friends, relatives, and professionals. They exude happiness and your friends will often wish they could find someone like him or her.

Imagine a chance meeting with a charming individual who is in every way your perfect romantic counterpart. What ensues is a whirlwind romance where with every intimate detail that you share about your past, your passions, desires, hopes, and dreams; your new suitor has very similar stories, history, ambitions, and aspirations.

You will be showered with flowers, gifts, and meaningful sentiments as you are groomed by this predator. Public displays of affection will endear them to you, giving you a false sense of pride and feelings of affinity, while onlookers appear to be envious.

He or she will be so compassionate and understanding as you delineate all the details of your life, your strengths, and (more importantly) your weaknesses. They will say all the right things to get the emotional ties solidified.

Surely, after all this time, you have found your one true love; all this without regard to whether you are married, single, celibate, or seeking anyone at the time.

Now, of course, this is all a confidence game being played on you by the psycho-predator.

By flooding your neural network with amorous feelings, they know your cognitive resources are weakened; all this is in an effort to set you up for further manipulation and control.

When they are done with you (which may indicate that you have no more resources left) they just simply move onto the next romantic victim that they have been searching forever since laying eyes on you.

If you’ve been the victim of a psychopathic romance, try not to let it keep you from loving again. I believe that there really is a wonderful, loving, caring individual who is perfect for you. One that will honor, respect, and cherish you, matching the same affection that you have for him or her.

You will just have to proceed more cautiously now that you know there are sick and twisted predators out there with the ability to masquerade as your one and only.

Research suggests that psychopaths are more likely to be unfaithful in their romantic relationships compared to non-psychopathic individuals. This is because they often lack empathy and feel little guilt or remorse for their actions, making it easier for them to engage in deceitful and manipulative behaviors, including infidelity.

Being intimately involved with a psychopath can be devastating for a victim. Psychopaths often use charm and manipulation to draw in their victims and then use them for their own purposes, without any concern for their feelings or well-being. This can lead to a range of negative emotional and psychological consequences for the victim, including depression, anxiety, and trauma.

If a victim is involved in a psychopathic love affair, it is important to prioritize their own safety and well-being. This may involve seeking support from a therapist or trusted friend or family member who can provide guidance and support. It is also important to develop a plan for safely exiting the relationship, which may involve setting boundaries, gradually disengaging from the psychopath, and seeking legal protection if necessary.

It is important to note that leaving a psychopathic relationship can be dangerous, as psychopaths may become violent or retaliate against their victims in other ways. Therefore, it is important to seek support and assistance from trained professionals who can help navigate this process safely and effectively.