Psychopathic Abuse

Being a victim of psychopathic abuse is different from other types of abuse and most victims will find it difficult to put the past where it belongs because the psychopath has weaved him or herself throughout so many facets of your life making this very hard to unravel. But unravel it you must if you ever plan on not being a prisoner of your psychopath’s making.

Every time you interact with your psychopath, a new electrical connection is made in your brain and/or in your body that is aside for use later. Many of these connections can be made in a single interaction with a predatory psychopath. These connections affect your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and you might be surprised to find out that these connections also affect your body.

It is very common to find these connections are anchored in various places in your body. Left unattended, they can cause deterioration of your immune system and lead to psychological, and physiological decay, or disease.

If you have trouble being in an optimized healthy state, this may just appear to be another health challenge to you. So, when you go to the doctor, he or she offers a treatment regimen based on your physiological complaint, not even considering the idea that your exposure to, and trauma from your experience, this psychopath might be the underlying cause of your presenting symptom(s).

You could suddenly be stricken by a psychopathic disease that is stealthily hidden in your mind, your heart, and your body. Some professionals refer to this as a part of psychopathic abuse that is commonly suffered by victims of psychopaths or if you are seeing a psychopathically enlightened professional, they might equate this to a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and these connections may be unraveled by treating them as such.

Your body, mind, and soul have been infected by the predatory psychopath who has planted these tripwires, mines, and triggers inside of you to make you rely on him or her for your very survival.

Self-doubt is a huge component that has been implanted along with psychopathic abuse. So, the initial question you ask yourself is,

  • What is wrong with me?

Followed by,

  • Am I just overreacting?
  • Am I imagining things?
  • Am I losing my mind?
  • Is this really happening?
  • Am I judging him/her too harshly?
  • Am I being too selfish?

All this has been carefully planted by the psychopath in advance, as you dig yourself deeper into the bowels of the psychopath’s scheme of destruction for you.

At the very least, the predatory psychopath would like to see you locked away for having lost your mind, but committing suicide would make him or her even more pleased at the outcome. Because there is little chance of recovery from self-inflicted death. Any further problems with the psychopath’s victim who has committed suicide are no longer an issue.

So, stop internalizing as soon as possible.

There is no doubt that you have been victimized by your psychopath, but you must stop questioning your sanity and stop acting like a victim.

You can be the subject of psychopathic abuse from anywhere, a relative, coworker, best friend, romantic interest, or casual acquaintance. One thing’s for certain, you have been snared into the psycho’s web of deceit and mind control. Try to gather your wits about yourself and start to take control of the things you can while there is still time and hope for recovery.

Just as there are no two psychopaths that are the same, though some may share similar characteristics, the same goes for their victims. Everyone will respond differently to having become the target of a psychopath.

Take an inventory of what you are feeling right now. Make a list of what you are feeling. You might be,

  • Angry
  • Sad
  • Ashamed
  • Guilty
  • Stupid
  • Panicked
  • Reclusiveness
  • Claustrophobic
  • Lost in nostalgia
  • Self-medicating
  • Increased financial concerns
  • Fear of interaction with others
  • Constantly replaying the details
  • Trying to figure out what you did wrong

If you were married, this leads to added concerns about entering into a legal and potentially nasty problematic court battle with a psychopath, and sharing children with a psychopath adds another wide range of concerns as well.

You may feel like you are no longer in control of yourself, your feelings, or any or all of the intricate details of your life.

You may even feel like some people who experience a deepening sense of love and compassion for the psychopath, thinking that you could help save him or her, and usher the psycho into a more normal and productive lifestyle.