Plead Your Case Against Law Enforcement Psychos to the World

Of course, if you have been violated by a law enforcement psychopath, you may want your pound of flesh and desire to play your case out before the world is in full view. You must be one hundred percent committed to following through before deciding to do so. Make sure to get many opinions on taking the ordeal public and make a sound decision based on input from trusted professionals.

If you are convinced that it is in your best interest to plead your case in world view, there are some things you could do to gain the eyes and ears of the public.

Be Prepared

Be prepared and cautious about going public. Do not have an answer ready for any potential questions that you may be asked along the way and memorize your answers so that you can recite them accurately and in the same manner each time you are questioned, leaving nothing to chance.

Note that you are never required to answer any uncomfortable questions as the victim, and being coerced to do so could be considered further victimization by the defendant in the third party. Report any individual who might appear to be pressing you into making a response that makes you uncomfortable.

Also, be aware and prepared for the psychopath to launch a slanderous retaliation campaign against you. Anything could happen. In all things see to your protection and safety. Never be alone and document everything that happens from here on out in as much detail as possible.

Local Grand Jury

Contact your local governing body and file a complaint with your local Grand Jury.

State Attorney General

Request your State Attorney General oversee the investigation and the details of the case as it evolves, holding local law enforcement responsible for the part they play in their unbiased investigation of one of their own.


Contact the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and request that they conduct independent investigations as well.

Press Release

Release your story to the press. Not just local press, but all the press, anyone with whom you can establish contact.

Civil Rights Lawsuit

Your civil rights are there to protect you from exploitation by a law enforcement psychopath. Exert your rights by filing a civil rights lawsuit.

Demonstration at the Department

Get an existing civil rights group to help you organize and assemble a protest march demonstration at the law enforcement psychopath’s place of employment and announce it to the media.

Tell Your Story

Tell your story any way you can. Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper and start an online blog. Shout it from the rooftops. Get the word out.

Public Speaking

Let all agencies know that you are available for public speaking invites to talk about the dirty laundry of law enforcement victimization that takes place behind closed doors. Shine a bright light on all the untold secrets lurking in the shadows of law enforcement. Deman that law enforcement staff be held accountable for their actions.

State and Federal Legislators

Contact your state and federal legislators and tell them your story. Ask them how they might feel if they were in your shoes. Then ask them if they think employees in law enforcement, those who have pledged to protect and serve should be held accountable for their evil deeds.

Be prepared to turn up the heat when necessary and to receive heat in return but stand strong in unwavering faith that you will play a part in stopping this incredible cruelty that is going on right now to other law enforcement psychopath victims, and those who will be better protected in the future.

Be willing to make the sacrifice today for a better world tomorrow.