Health and Nutrition of Psychopath Victims in Recovery

Pay attention to the health and nutrition of psychopath victims in recovery. When psychopath victims can break free from the predatory psychopath they should be evaluated by a medical professional because there is a good chance that they have suffered physiologically in many ways. This is often overlooked as the focus is on the psychological abuse suffered by the psychopathic exposure.

Once the review has been made, it is important to get the psychopath victim back on a healthy path to assist in their healing from this specific type of victimization.


Survivors of a predatory psychopath entanglement are often not well hydrated at the time of the break. Make sure they are properly hydrated. Sometimes it can be bad enough to require an IV drip of fluids to stabilize the victim.

Dehydration affects the whole body including cells, organs, tissue, muscles, bones, and brain. Presenting skin conditions and irregularities may also benefit from proper hydration which will also help to heal from any abrasions, bruises, or scars that may be observable.

Proper hydration also enhances mental capabilities during the recovery process.

Limiting Caffeine

Psychopaths tend to ingest too much caffeine which they are more apt to accommodate functionally. By spending time with a psychopath, the victim may raise their caffeine intake to match that of the psychopath cup for cup.

This is not to say that caffeine is terribly destructive in itself but it often contributes to the state of dehydration. Attempt to moderate the drinking of coffee, tea, energy drinks, and other caffeine-laden drinks. It is helpful to drink a cup of water to compensate for every cup of coffee to keep the victim hydrated.

Note that increased caffeine intake may also be an acquired addiction, so be compassionate and mindful of the victim’s needs.


Make sure the psychopath victim is eating healthfully and regularly. It is not uncommon for a psychopath victim to have every morsel ingested to be controlled by the psychopath. They may be malnourished and possibly poisoned. Integrating a variety of different phytonutrient-rich colored vegetables will increase the victim’s ability to navigate the post-psychopath stress levels that are a part of the recovery process.

A healthy diet can also help to stave off depression and suicidal ideation while increasing mood, whole body, and mental health.

Reduce Addictive Behavior

Psychopath victims may have been drugged by their predatory abusers, and often come out of a psychopathic relationship with addiction to alcohol, prescription, or other illicit drugs. These were likely encouraged by the predatory psychopath as a way to break the victim’s mental, health, and spiritual states. Making them more dependent and easier to manipulate.

These addictions can also enhance the victim’s likelihood of suffering from depression and suicidal ideation. The psychopath would love nothing more than to hear that his or her victim has committed suicide. It is the preferred method of terminating a psychopathic relationship.

Also, the victim may be prone to use drugs or alcohol to struggle with mental health issues that are lingering from the psychopathic experience. Try to avoid unhealthy forms of self-medication.


Many psychopath victims are sleep deprived during the psychopathic relationship. Psychopaths require less sleep than normal human beings and the victim may have been encouraged to keep the same pace, which is unhealthy.

Psychopaths often use sleep deprivation as another method to break down their victims’ capacity to fare for themselves.

While in the recovery stage of post-psycho exposure, it may be difficult to reset their circadian clock. Especially if they are struggling with constant rumination about the details of the event, they may be even more restless and reluctant to achieve healthful REM sleep.

Suggest bedtime rituals that may include aromatherapy, sound therapy, temperature control, pre-slumber meditation, sleepy time tea, or anything else that might aid in the promotion of a healthful night’s sleep.

Disconnect from Media

Television shows and their accompanying commercials. Social media and even unbridled Internet searches can be counterproductive to recovery attempts being made after one has suffered at the hands of a psychopath.

Find more peaceful methods of entertainment such as thoughtful book reading, enjoying nature, soaking in the bathtub, getting a massage, or listening to peaceful music.


Encouraging the psychopath to journal about their experience with the psychopath will help them to process the information from this abusive experience. Some of the delineated experiences may further traumatize the victim, but the release of it through writing can be highly beneficial. If the above suggestions are in place, they will be better prepared to process the data in a healthy manner.

This is far more productive than having the victim suppress the memories and the associated painful experiences. Encourage them to write daily, let it flow, and let it go.

Encourage Connecting with Others

As soon as the psychopath victim is ready, encourage them to seek to connect to someone they can trust who can make time for him or her. A faithful companion can be a huge benefit in the recovery process.

But be certain to ascertain that this “trusted” individual has no connection to the psychopath. Commonly, psychopaths will build relationships with the victim’s friends unbeknownst to the victim. You do not want the trusted friend to actually be an informant for the psychopath.

Proceed with caution.