
Author and public speaker, David M. Masters has been helping others achieve their highest and best since the late seventies. With a wide level of expertise in multiple modalities, as a Master Practitioner and a unique talent for creative problem-solving, David is the Secret Weapon of many top businesses and entrepreneurs.

It is likely that you and your business could benefit greatly by expanding your horizons by consulting with David M. Masters. When it takes more than inspiration to get you from here to there, simply put, Masters gets things done. Many people can dream, and David makes dreams become reality in his life and the lives of others. Together the possibilities are endless…

Armed with an uncanny gift of uncovering one’s innate gifts and talents, and the ability to turn them into powerful revenue streams, he has many people achieving their life-long dreams with a level of financial security that is staggering. His clients do what they love and earn handsome rewards enjoying all the activities in their lives for a happy and fulfilling career that leaves a lot of extra quality time for family and friends.

Do you think it’s about time that you started determining what your specific talents and gifts are? Once you know what they are (you may already know) wouldn’t you like to monetize them, enabling you to replace your career or business with a life achieving your highest and best while fulfilling your life’s destiny, enhancing your ability to grow, learn and earn?

Nothing is more satisfying than accomplishing that with which you have been entrusted to deliver to the other inhabitants of this planet. You came here with talents and gifts that are uniquely yours to share. This is your purpose. Isn’t it time that you put your life and career in harmony with who you truly Are? If this resonates with you, Contact us for your initial consultation.


1001 Cooper Pt Rd SW, Ste #140-130

Olympia, WA  98502

Phone: (206) 395-4870


$250.00 per hour Click submit button to make 1-hour payment
Other Amount Enter amount to pay a bill of another amount, then submit