I Trust Too Much

I’ve heard psychopath victims say, “I trust too much.” like it’s some sort of character flaw or bad thing. I don’t blame them for jumping to that conclusion because if they hadn’t trusted so much, they may have avoided the psychopathic encounter altogether. Your ability to openly trust others, to see the best in others,… Continue reading I Trust Too Much

Belief in People, Psychopaths, and Prison Ministry

Do you believe that everyone is essentially a good person? Do you believe that there is good that can be found in anyone? You might believe that even if you’ve seen a person at their worst, there is still some area inside them that can lead one to redemption, even the most wicked. Do You… Continue reading Belief in People, Psychopaths, and Prison Ministry

Are You a People Pleaser or Rescuer?

Are you a people pleaser or rescuer? If there’s something deep within you that seeks to reach out to others and put their needs above yours, you might be a people pleaser. While these are the most beloved people in our communities or the most taken advantage of by close friends in relatives, these people… Continue reading Are You a People Pleaser or Rescuer?

You Are Not Responsible for This

Once you know you were the unwitting accomplice in a casual, working, business, or romantic relationship with a psychopath, it is common to question your own part in this. Based on what steps you have taken and the information you have exposed yourself to in the process of exiting the psychopathic relationship, you may subject… Continue reading You Are Not Responsible for This

Psychopaths and the ASPD Cycle of Abuse

On the path to recovery from psychopathic victimization, expect a roller coaster ride. Remember how much of a roller coaster ride your experience with the psychopath was? Well, recovery will be more of the same, only there is the great promise of wellness, happiness, and love in the outcome. ASPD Cycle of Abuse That is… Continue reading Psychopaths and the ASPD Cycle of Abuse

Is It Me? No, it’s the Psychopath!

Whoa, you thought your entanglement with a psychopath was a horrible roller coaster ride. Wait until you try to disentangle, it gets even worse. You’re liable to ask yourself, “Is it me?” No, it’s the psychopath. At first, you think, “I’m free,” but you soon find out that freedom can be more elusive than you… Continue reading Is It Me? No, it’s the Psychopath!

Psychopath Precautionary Preparedness

In continuation of post-psychopath precautions, we will drill down a little deeper into these 4 precautions to have in place for your preparedness following any relationship with a predatory psychopath. Do Not Seek a Replacement Parting ways with a psychopath will leave a void. No doubt. Do not seek out someone else to fill the… Continue reading Psychopath Precautionary Preparedness

Post Psychopath Precautions

Take precautions after parting ways with a psychopath. Even if you’re feeling as though you’ve escaped the psychopath’s prison, there is a good chance that the psycho is concerned about your successful exit. That would mean you won. This is not an option for psychopaths who will always assert their domination as the winners. Plus,… Continue reading Post Psychopath Precautions

The Post-psychopath Road to the New You

You may not feel like it now, but trust me, there is a magnificent new you waiting for your arrival just around the corner. Maybe it’s time for an introductory meeting. Meet the New You This is an incredible opportunity for you to establish a new life, totally unrelated to any experiences you may have… Continue reading The Post-psychopath Road to the New You

Victims of Psychopath’s Emotional Support

If you’ve been a victim of a psychopath’s exploitation and/or abuse, you are going to need some victims-of-psychopaths emotional support post haste. Start with establishing a new routine to make the sacred space to deal with the grief and find a way to release all that pent-up emotion. Establish Routine One of the best ways… Continue reading Victims of Psychopath’s Emotional Support