Can Psychopathy Be Attributed to Demonic Possession?

As someone who works with diverse clients, I have encountered inquiries about psychopathy and its potential connection to demonic possession. In the past, prominent figures in religious and governmental positions speculated that individuals with predatory antisocial personality disorder, specifically psychopathy, lacked a soul. Even today, I occasionally face questions like, “Are psychopaths demon-possessed?”

Historically, rumors were predating current scientific understanding that suggested what we now identify as “psychopaths” were conceived while their mothers were in an altered state, leaving them vulnerable to invasion by an entity unfamiliar with human existence. More extreme viewpoints claimed that the mother may have been violated by an incubus, a malevolent demon believed to spread evil seed during sleep, resulting in the birth of a psychopath.

From a scientific perspective, researchers concur that psychopaths possess distinct traits, lacking certain human emotions and exhibiting exaggerated behaviors. They perceive themselves as superior to others, often displaying highly predatory tendencies. These traits are inherent from birth, and scientifically validated brain scans can accurately identify true psychopaths.

In my work, I often navigate a delicate balance between the realms of spirituality and science. Let me share a relevant experience:

The Need for Exorcism

I have encountered clients who believe that a person they are dealing with, who exhibits psychopathic tendencies, requires an exorcism to rid them of an evil spirit. Even in modern times, some individuals hold this belief.

It has been challenging for me to explain to them that there is nothing to exorcise. If a person is born with this condition, regardless of the terminology or attempts to relate to it differently, removing the “psychopath” from their body would leave nothing behind. There is no underlying state for this person to revert to.

Psychopathic Tendencies in Others

However, if an otherwise normal individual, who has led a “normal” life, suddenly exhibits psychopathic tendencies due to factors like possession by an evil spirit or extraterrestrial influence, biological issues, or mental health challenges, that is a different topic worth discussing.

It is important to note that psychopaths can convincingly play a role for years, only revealing their true nature once their needs have been met. Consequently, it might appear as a sudden personality change. When faced with legal pressure and an opportunity, they may even claim victimhood, citing a disease that compromised their previously mild-mannered character, if it suits their interests.

Dealing with Psychopaths

Whether you perceive psychopathy as an innate brain-based anomaly or a being that is part human and part non-human, the fact remains that psychopaths are who they are. They possess charisma, intelligence, and a lack of empathy, making them master manipulators. When coupled with their impulsivity, relentless pursuit of victory, and an unyielding belief in their own infallibility, they become a recipe for disaster. Signs of their true nature often become evident during adolescence or even earlier, with documentation to support these observations.

Psychopathy Defies Cure

Attempting to train a psychopath to emulate normal behavior or undergoing rituals in hopes of achieving the same outcome may appear successful initially, leading to claims of victory. However, if the individual is a genuine psychopath, they are playing you like a skilled musician who plays a Stradivarius. While you celebrate your perceived success, they are secretly reveling in their triumph.

Psychopaths possess the ability to act convincingly, saying and doing whatever it takes to achieve their desires, and fooling others at any cost, especially if it benefits them. Psychopathy cannot be cured.

Dishonesty, Deceit, and Immunity

Psychopaths engage in lying, cheating, and stealing without remorse or consideration of consequences. They believe they are exempt from rules, and if they encounter any repercussions for their actions, they view it as a temporary inconvenience, an unintended cost of conducting their business.

Punishing a psychopath is ineffective because they lack regret or empathy for their behavior’s impact on others. Even confinement in prison does not prevent them from thriving. Many continue their manipulative pursuits from behind bars.

Psychopaths in Relationships

If you find yourself in a relationship with a sociopath or psychopath, is there any recourse? Sadly, no matter what you do, the outcome is destined to be bleak. Challenging them will result in abandonment or, worse, endless torment and the complete destruction of your life, leaving them with a sense of satisfaction.

Marrying a psychopath means enduring their infidelity and debauchery. You cannot counsel, medicate, or exorcise their psychopathy. Should you dare to confront them, they will exploit the legal system and employ any means possible to manipulate and destroy you.

What Can You Do?

The best course of action is to proactively protect yourself from psychopaths. This entails minimizing or eliminating contact with them, seeking assistance, maintaining confidentiality, and fortifying your strength in any way possible. Documenting everything is crucial, and remember to forgive yourself for finding yourself in such a situation. It is important to acknowledge that you have done nothing wrong.