Psychopaths Using the Internet to Terrorize Their Victims

Regrettably, psychopaths have numerous avenues at their disposal to target and defame individuals through online platforms. This behavior, commonly known as cyberbullying, encompasses various forms of cybercriminal activities such as internet fraud, social media harassment, online exploitation, and toxic computer stalking. The advent of the World Wide Web has significantly facilitated the dissemination of propaganda… Continue reading Psychopaths Using the Internet to Terrorize Their Victims

Well-intentioned Continued Abuse

There are people who care about you, some who may even be active in the therapeutic sciences, who have no idea they are engaging in well-intentioned continued abuse. Even though they are trying to be understanding and supportive, they mean well but are actually doing more harm than good.   These well-intentioned psycho-ignorants do not understand that… Continue reading Well-intentioned Continued Abuse

The Psychopath in a Relationship

Many of us live by the Golden Rule and we believe that in some way if we are good people and do good to others, we will be rewarded with a trouble-free life. Not so for the psychopath in a relationship.   Unfortunately, being a kind, gentle, giving, supportive person with a high level of… Continue reading The Psychopath in a Relationship