Alternative Therapies for Psychopath Victims

Many alternative approaches can be highly effective in mitigating the mental, emotional, physiological, and spiritual damages that can be caused by being victimized by a predatory psychopath. I am always excited to learn about new emerging technologies at the forefront of treating victims of psychopaths and am also impressed by ancient practices that have withstood the test of time.


I started my work in Christian ministry back in the day, so prayer and laying on of hands healing was the first alternative therapies that I embraced in my work with others. These evolved into tap cross therapy and energy work healing, and since then I have continued to be an avid student of alternative therapeutic modalities because what works for one person may not work for the next.

I also surround myself with many undeniable experts who specialize in very effective methods of treating others suffering from predatory psychopath victims. Most people do not understand how effective these psychos are at damaging human psyches.

When a predatory psychopath has either lost or is done with a victim, they would like to think or assume that the victim is so damaged that they have lost any sort of life that they once knew, have lost everything, and have no reason to live. The psychopathic hope is that once they don’t need you anymore, you have nothing of value to supply them with, or you have broken free from their hypnotic control over you, their preference would be that you would take your own life.

Dead victims work best for predatory psychopaths, though in most cases they wouldn’t think of dirtying their own hands with the details, anything they can do to so permanently damage and disable a victim to make the victim think that there is no other way out, survival is not an option, and taking their own life might be the only method to escape the suffering caused by the psychopath. And some of them do commit suicide.

Unfortunately, law enforcement and mental health professionals are not well-versed in the power that predatory psychopaths wield over their victims, and few would believe to what depths they will sink, Victims are commonly accused of exaggerating the circumstances, thereby compounding the psychopath’s victimization even more.

The alternative specialists that I work with fully understand how horrible and traumatic this experience can be. Some of the most effective techniques that I have witnessed that have helped psychopath victims greatly include,

Energy Healing

Energy healing modalities such as Reiki, Pranic Healing, or Quantum-Touch can help to balance and restore the body’s energy system, promoting physical and emotional healing.

EFT Tapping

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping involves tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on a particular issue. This technique can help to release negative emotions and trauma stored in the body.


Mindfulness practices such as meditation, breathwork, and yoga can help individuals to connect with their bodies and become more present at the moment, reducing stress and anxiety.


Hypnotherapy can help individuals to access and process unconscious thoughts and emotions related to trauma or abuse.

Inner Child Work

Inner child work involves connecting with and healing the wounded inner child, which can be especially helpful for individuals who have experienced childhood trauma.

Just to name a few.

To find a practitioner specializing in these alternative techniques, you might consider researching online directories or asking for recommendations from trusted friends or family members. It’s important to find a qualified and experienced practitioner with a track record of helping individuals with psychopath victims.

The methods used may vary depending on the practitioner and the individual’s needs but may include a combination of talk therapy, energy healing, guided meditation, visualization, and other techniques. The focus of these techniques is to help victims release trauma, heal emotional wounds, and regain a sense of empowerment and control over their life. It’s important to note that alternative techniques should not replace traditional medical or psychiatric care but can be used as complementary treatments.