Psychopathic Parents

We have run across many psychopath victims who claim that they were victimized by a pair of psychopathic parents. According to the adult child victims, both parents test positive for psychopathy, no doubt about it. As with all things psychopathic, things are not always what they seem.   When two psychopaths pair up, it is… Continue reading Psychopathic Parents

Blame the Psychopath Victim

The biggest error, misconception, and disservice which compounds psychopathic abuse are to blame the psychopath victim. Yet, well-meaning doctors, lawyers, law enforcement officials, friends, and family continue to do so, reinforcing the psychopath’s grip on the victim’s psyches resulting in greater pain and suffering, especially in the beginning. The process of healing, recovery, and therapeutic… Continue reading Blame the Psychopath Victim

Center of Attention

The psychopath is all about himself/herself. They require being the center of attention whenever possible, especially seeking to garner all they can from their potential love victim. Prior to meeting the psychopath, you may have maintained a healthy relationship with yourself if you were single. If you were married, you may have been in a… Continue reading Center of Attention

Do Psychopaths Have Feelings?

I get asked this question, especially in light of my shortlist of traits associated with predatory psychopaths (1. Charismatic, 2. Smart, 3. No Feelings, 4. Impulsive, 5. Winners, 6. Never Wrong), this is number three. The question is, “Do psychopaths have feelings?” In defense of my shortlist which is used to identify a potential predatory… Continue reading Do Psychopaths Have Feelings?

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Don’t beat yourself up for being victimized by a psychopath. It’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling bad about letting yourself fall victim to someone with the ability to leave you in a weakened position or even totally devastated.   Above all things, remember: This was not your fault. Psychopaths target the best… Continue reading Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Haunted by Your Experience with a Psychopath

If you have been involved in a psychopathic entanglement, there is a good chance that you have suffered from the relationship and might be haunted by your experience with a psychopath that can ruin any chance of having a “normal” relationship again.   Once you’ve been victimized by a psychopath and suffered the effects of… Continue reading Haunted by Your Experience with a Psychopath

Psychopathic Character Flaws

Here are some of the psychopathic character flaws that you should be aware of: “Laws are Relative.” Psychopaths feel as though they are above the law, and that rules do not apply to them. Nothing is black-and-white, right-or-wrong, good-or-bad; there is always a loophole or series of circumstances that keep them exempt from the fear… Continue reading Psychopathic Character Flaws

How Do Psychopaths Manipulate?

The master manipulators of the world are none other than the predatory psychopath. How do psychopaths manipulate? Armed with a unique set of skills that insulates their active biology and consciousness from cues that would hinder other humans from exploiting and victimizing anyone for entertainment or profit, the psychopath is specially qualified for masterful manipulation.… Continue reading How Do Psychopaths Manipulate?

How Do You Diagnose a Psychopath?

You are probably wondering, how do you diagnose a psychopath? Know that there is a big difference between a psychiatric diagnosis and that of a layman. A psychiatrist would go through a full barrage of tests to make a diagnosis with a fairly high degree of accuracy.   In my practice, I reduce the layman’s… Continue reading How Do You Diagnose a Psychopath?