Well-intentioned Continued Abuse

There are people who care about you, some who may even be active in the therapeutic sciences, who have no idea they are engaging in well-intentioned continued abuse. Even though they are trying to be understanding and supportive, they mean well but are actually doing more harm than good.   These well-intentioned psycho-ignorants do not understand that… Continue reading Well-intentioned Continued Abuse

The Psychopath in a Relationship

Many of us live by the Golden Rule and we believe that in some way if we are good people and do good to others, we will be rewarded with a trouble-free life. Not so for the psychopath in a relationship.   Unfortunately, being a kind, gentle, giving, supportive person with a high level of… Continue reading The Psychopath in a Relationship

Sleeping with a Psychopath

What if I’m sleeping with a psychopath? Good question. First of all, your predatory psychopath is ecstatic about the fact that you are sleeping with him or her because this is one of the most manipulative positions they can find themselves in. No one is easier to manipulate, fleece, exploit, or otherwise victimize than someone… Continue reading Sleeping with a Psychopath

Romantic Victims of Psychopaths

Psychopaths excel in using love and romance as tools of manipulation, to draw you in and set you up for “the kill.” That final blow leaves you devastated and utterly destroyed, which gives them such a gleeful sense of fulfillment. And you think “What the…?” and ask don’t they have any feelings? Any guilt or… Continue reading Romantic Victims of Psychopaths

What is My Body Trying to Tell Me?

When you meet a predatory psychopath, you get a feeling that something is wrong. This is based on physiological, psychological, and spiritual mechanisms that you, just like other lifeforms on this planet offer us inherent danger-sensing precognitive awareness.   We know a lot about the body and how it works, but we are just starting… Continue reading What is My Body Trying to Tell Me?


Here are some of the free videos you can find on YouTube. Feel free to view them as necessary, like, comment, and share them with others. How to Deal with a Psychopath Psychopathic Smear Campaigns Serving Victims of Psychopaths (for Therapists) How to Deal with a Psychopath Event (excerpt) David M Masters, author Psychopath Victims… Continue reading Videos

Recovering from Psychopathic Abuse

Victims of predatory psychopaths have suffered terribly at the hands of master manipulators who are extremely adept at keeping their victims in a virtual state of panic by utilizing psychologically controlling and abusive whirlwinds of mind and emotionally damaging tactics. Survivor of predatory psychopathic abuse has found ways to numb their feelings, in a sense… Continue reading Recovering from Psychopathic Abuse